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Carrig Rough

A Hand-drawn All Caps Display Typeface

Release Date December 2014
Classification Hand-drawn Trajan Serif
No. of Fonts 2
Weights & Styles Regular & Bold
Alternates 4
Ligatures None
Small Caps Yes
Petite Caps None
No. of Glyphs 359
European Language Support Yes (Latin only)
ABOUT Carrig Rough

Inspired by classic letterforms that have been carved into stone and then weathered by time. “Carrig” is the Irish word for “rock” and this typeface started life in 1998 when I created an identity for a hotel in Co. Kerry, Ireland. 16 years later, I’ve finally got around to completing the full typeface and am proud to release it for sale.

About “Carrig ROUGH”

Carrig was originally hand-drawn and is therefore a deliberately irregular typeface. It came to life when I discovered an example of a beautiful Roman typeface in an old calligraphy workbook. I had been researching old typography for an identity I was designing for a picturesque and tranquil lakeside hotel. I had been leaning towards using Baskerville, Garamond or even Trajan for the logotype, but there was something about the hand-drawn look that made it more personal and authentic. I felt it would be worth the effort to create a digital version to use in my designs.

So I attempted to copy it by hand and then began the process of interpreting my drawings in Macromedia Fontographer (anyone remember that app?) to create a working font. I managed to get a basic character set together and the identity was created and very well received by the client. But since then, ‘Carrig’ was pretty much forgotten. Awwww…

Until recently, when I suddenly found the inspiration to resurrect the project and breathe new life into it. Having purchased the wonderful Glyphs app, I rolled my sleeves up and set about creating the complete typeface you see here.

All Caps Alternates Antiqua Bodoni Body Copy Classic Clean Compressed Condensed Contemporary Didone Display Elegant Extended Extreme Contrast Fashion Fonts Fonts for Branding Garalde Geometric Geometric Sans Headline Humanist Humanist Sans Humanist Serif Ireland Low-Contrast Modern Monotype Library Movie Credits Narrow Notched Old Style Optical Sizes Quirky Retro Rounded Sans Serif Serif Sharp Small Caps Soft Stylistic Sets Technical Text Titles Variable Versatile Vintage Wide