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About Me

Hello and thank you for visiting my online home. I’m a type designer with a long history of technical illustration, graphic design, and website design & development behind me.

My type design career began in 1998, although at the time I didn’t realise that was the case. I was designing a corporate identity and my chosen proposal featured a Trajan-esque typeface which I had hand drawn. For many years after I had a nagging thought that “there’s something about that type”. So, at the end of 2014, I found the inspiration to dig the original files out and create a complete font. People liked it and started buying it. From thereon I have continued to design typefaces and I am absolutely loving this new career.

If you would like a custom typeface designing, why not get in touch and let’s talk about fonts.

Please join my mailing list to receive occasional newsletters. Subscribers get all the news first, plus occasional freebies and special offers.


In January 2023 Monotype acquired the majority of my type portfolio – a total of 42 families, from Carrig (2015) to Modica Pro (2023), were added to The Monotype Library.

You can find out more by reading my announcement here, along with Monotype’s press release, here.

I remain an independent type designer/foundry and continue to release new typefaces under my own name and brand. I am also available for any custom type design you require as long as it is original work. Modifications to any of my typefaces from 2015-2022 must be arranged through Monotype.

I wrote an article for Monotype on how to make great artwork for fonts.

A second article for Monotype focuses on self-improvement for inexperienced type designers – Upping Your Game.
